Code Kata Walkthrough - Part IV

We left off the last post on a good refactoring session. Let’s take a look at the next kata requirement, which is to throw an exception when a negative number is passed in the list. The exception should include the negative number. If there are multiple negative numbers, then it should include all the numbers.

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Code Kata Walkthrough - Part III

We left off last post with a string calculator that could sum up numbers separated by a new line or a comma. We also did our first refactoring phase where we cleaned up our code without actually changing the functionality. Let’s take a look at the next test case.

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Code Kata Walkthrough - Part II

Let’s pick up where we left off in the last post. We were in the GREEN state with a string calculator that was able to sum an empty string, one number, and two numbers separated by a comma. Looking at the code kata, the next requirement is that we handle an unkown amount of numbers.

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Code Kata Walkthrough - Part I

For my next few posts, I am going to do a step by step walkthrough of a Code Kata. The Kata is called “String Calculator” and can be found here. I will be using the RED-GREEN-REFACTOR method where I will first write a failing test case, then write code to make the test case pass, then look over the code and refactor where necessary.

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TDD - What is a Code Kata?

Most developers have heard of Test Driven Development (TDD). Whether or not they actually practice it is another story. In this post, I would like to disucuss one way of practicing TDD skills. This excercise is known as a Code Kata.

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HackerRank - Second Lowest Grade

I’m doing another Python problem today. Again, nothing too crazy but just trying to pickup on the different data structures that can be used and the differences between this language and my usual Java.

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HackerRank - Viral Advertising

I’m back after six months of not posting anything, but don’t worry. I’ve been keeping plenty busy. My girlfriend and I decided to move all the way across the country to Seattle! We rented a truck, packed everything up, and drove all the way out. I’m still working for Liberty Mutual Insurance; I just transferred from the Boston office to the Seattle one. I’m very excited to see what this city has to offer!

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Hello World!

This is my first blog post! I will be using this blog to post about any interesting projects that I am working on as well as coding practice problems from sites like HackerRank.

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